黄 维,汉族,新加坡归侨,中国科学院院士、俄罗斯科学院外籍院士、美国国家工程院外籍院士。有机电子、塑料电子、生物电子、印刷电子、能源电子、健康电子、智能电子和柔性电子领域学家。国家柔性电子基础(前沿)科学中心首席科学家,有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室主任。国家重要计划特聘专家,教育部“国家重要人才”特聘教授,国家“杰出青年科学基金”获得者,国家“973”项目首席科学家,国家重点研发计划首席科学家,国家变革性技术专项首席科学家,国家哲学社会科学重大招标项目首席专家。中国科学技术协会旗舰期刊——Research创刊主编、自然出版集团合作期刊——npj Flexible Electronics(《柔性电子》)创刊主编、Wiley出版集团合作期刊——FlexMat创刊主编。亚太地区工程组织联合会(FEIAP)主席、世界工程组织联合会执行委员兼主席高级顾问。俄罗斯科学院、英国谢菲尔德大学、南非约翰内斯堡大学名誉博士,英国皇家化学会、美国光学学会、国际光学工程学会、新加坡化学会会士,中国电子学会、中国光学学会、中国化学学会、中国化工学会、中国光学工程学会会士。获得两项国家自然科学奖二等奖、四项教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术)自然科学奖一等奖、一项何梁何利“科技进步奖”、六项江苏省科学技术奖、三项中国电子学会自然科学奖一等奖、两项中国石油和化学工业联合会科学技术奖(科技进步奖)一等奖和两项中国光学学会科技创新奖(自然科学奖)一等奖,成果两次入围“中国高等学校十大科技进展”和“中国半导体十大研究进展”等。
黄维院士是国际上最早一批从事柔性电子、特别是有机电子、塑料电子和生物电子研究并长期活跃在柔性电子学领域的世界顶尖学者。从九十年代初开始,就致力于跨物理、化学、材料、电子、信息、力学、化工、生命和医学等多个学科交叉融合发展起来的有机电子学、塑料电子学、生物电子学、印刷电子学、能源电子学、健康电子学、智能电子学和柔性电子学等科学技术前沿领域研究,在构建有机电子学、塑料电子学、生物电子学和柔性电子学等学科的理论体系框架、实现有机半导体的高性能化与多功能化、推进科技成果转化与产业化方面做了大量富有开拓性、创新性和系统性的研究工作,是中国有机电子学科、塑料电子学科和柔性电子学科的奠基人与开拓者,被业界誉为“柔性电子学之父”。在柔性电子学领域,以主要作者身份在Nature、Nature Electronics、Nature Energy、Nature Materials、Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Photonics、Nature Reviews Materials、Nature Communications、Science、Research、npj Flexible Electronics、Advanced Materials、Journal of the American Chemical Society等顶尖学术期刊发表研究论文1000余篇,h因子为195,国际同行引用逾20万次,是科瑞唯安(全球顶尖科技论文数据库)物理学、化学与材料学等学科全球高被引科学家,获授权与公开美国、新加坡和中国等国发明专利1000余项,出版了《有机电子学》《生物光电子学》《有机半导体存储器》《有机薄膜晶体管材料器件和应用》《有机光电子材料在生物医学中的应用》《OLED显示技术》《产业元宇宙》《柔性电子封装和封装技术》等学术专著。
亚太地区工程组织联合会(FEIAP)主席、世界工程组织联合会执行委员兼主席高级顾问、中国科学院信息技术科学部常委、国家科技奖励评审委员会委员、国家“杰出青年科学基金”评审委员会委员、国家自然科学基金委员会信息科学部专家评审组成员、国家自然科学基金委员会化学科学部专家咨询委员会委员、国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员、中国科学技术协会常委、教育部科学技术委员会委员、教育部教学指导委员会(材料科学类、电子信息类)副主任委员、工业和信息化部通信科学技术委员会常委、工业和信息化部电子科学技术委员会常委、陈嘉庚信息技术科学奖评奖委员会副主任、中国电子学会副理事长、中国化学会副理事长、中国化工学会副理事长、中国管理科学学会副会长、中国产学研促进会副会长、中国职业技术教育学会副会长、中国侨联特聘专家委员会副主任、中国欧美同学会常务理事、陕西省归国华侨联合会名誉主席、陕西省欧美同学会副会长、西安市归国华侨联合会名誉主席、江苏省政协委员、江苏省科学技术协会副主席、江苏省归国华侨联合会副主席、江苏省侨界专家委员会主任、江苏省化学化工学会理事长、江苏省高等教育学会副理事长、江苏省青年联合会副主席、南京市政协常委兼教科文卫委员会主任、南京市侨联主席、南京市欧美同学会(归国留学人员联谊会)会长、南京市海外联谊会常务副会长等社会职务;Research、npj Flexible Electronics、FlexMat、Advanced Materials、Advanced Electronic Materials等国际权威学术杂志主编或(顾问)编委。新加坡国立大学、南洋理工大学、英国谢菲尔德大学、俄罗斯科学院、莫斯科国立大学、新加坡材料研究院、澳大利亚伍伦贡大学、北京大学、中山大学、华中科技大学、南开大学、厦门大学、中南大学、华东理工大学、香港大学、香港城市大学、香港理工大学、香港浸会大学等高等学校科研院所名誉、客座或兼职教授。
1.Luo AS, Zhang JG, Xiao DJ, Xie GZ*, Xu XQ, Zhao QX, Sun CX, Li YZ, Zhang ZH, Li P, Luo SH, Xie XJ, Peng QM, Li HH, Chen RF, Chen QS*, Tao Y* & Huang W*, Efficient metal free organic radical scintillators, Nature Communications15: 8181, 2024.
2. Chen X, Che MF, Xu WD, Wu ZB, Suh YD, Wu SL, Liu XW* & Huang W*, Matrix-induced defects and molecular doping in the afterglow of SiO2 microparticles, Nature Communications 15: 8111, 2024.
3. Zhuo ZQ, Ni MJ, Yu NN, Zheng YY, Lin YR, Yang J, Sun LL, Wang LZ, Bai LB, Chen WY, Xu M, Huo FW, Lin JY*, Feng QY & Huang W*,Intrinsically stretchable fully π-conjugated polymer film via fluid conjugated molecular external-plasticizing for flexible light-emitting diodes, Nature Communications 15: 7990, 2024.
4. Fan Y, Shen Y, Zhang J, Zhang XL, Zhang ZQ, Li HF, Peng Y, Weng JN, Xie RJ, Zhang WL, Han Y, Xiao YW, Zhang SY, Zheng B, Zhang HL, Li S, Huang W*, Huo FW* & Zhang WN*, Wedging crystals to fabricate crystalline framework nanosheets via mechanochemistry, Nature Communications 15: 6973, 2024.
5. Wei Y, Zhong CX, Sun Y, Ma SW, Ni MJ, Wu XP, Yan YX, Yang L, Ilya A. Khodov, Ge JY, Li Y, Lin DQ, Wang YX, Bao QJ, Zhang H, Wang SS, Song J, Lin JY*, Xie LH* & Huang W*, C-H-activated Csp2-Csp3 diastereoselective gridization enables ultraviolet-emitting stereo-molecular nanohydrocarbons with mulitple H···H interactions, Nature Communications15: 5438, 2024.
6. Fan Y, hen Y, Zhang J, Zhang XL, Zhang ZQ, Li HF, Peng Y, Weng JN, Xie RJ, Zhang WL, Han Y, Xiao YW, Zhang SY, Zheng B, Zhang HL, Li S, Huang W*, Huo FW* & Zhang WN*, Wedging crystals to fabricate crystalline framework nanosheets via mechanochemistry, Nature Communications15: 6973, 2024.
7. Li MM, Yang YG, Kuang ZY, Hao CJ, Wang SX, Lu FY,Liu ZR, Liu JL, Zeng LJ, Cai YX, Mao YL, Guo JS, Tian H,Xing GC, Cao Y, Ma C,Wang NN, Peng QM, Zhu L*, Huang W*, & Wang JP*, Acceleration of radiative recombination for efficient perovskite LEDs, Nature 630: 631–635, 2024.
8. Gan N, Zou X, Qian Z, Lv AQ, Wang L, Ma HL, Qian HJ, Gu L*, An ZF* & Huang W*, Stretchable phosphorescent polymers by multiphase engineering, Nature Communications 15: 4113, 2024.
9. Ma HL, Fu LS, Yao XK, Jiang XY, Lv KQ, Ma Q, Shi HF, An ZF* & Huang W*, Boosting organic phosphorescence in adaptive host-guest materials by hyperconjugation, Nature Communications 15: 3660, 2024.
10. Luo X, Chen, He ZX, Wang M, Pan KY, Dong XM, Li ZF, Liu B, Zhang ZC, Wu YY, Ban CY, Chen R, Zhang DF, Wang KL, Wang QY, Li JY, Lu G, Liu JQ*, Liu ZD*& Huang W*, A bionic self-driven retinomorphic eye with ionogel photosynaptic retina, Nature Communications 15: 3086, 2024.
11. Wang H, Ma HL, Gan N, Qin K, Song ZC, Lv AQ, Wang K, Ye WP, Yao XK, Zhou CF, Wang X, Zhou ZX, Yang SL, Yang LR, Bo CM, Shi HF, Huo FW, Li GQ*, Huang W* & An ZF*, Abnormal thermally-stimulated dynamic organic phosphorescence, Nature Communications 15: 2134, 2024.
12. Min H, Wang NN, Chen NN, Tong YF, Wang YJ, Wang JQ, Liu JL, Wang SX, Wu X, Yang PH, Shi HK, Zhuo CX, Chen Q, Li JW, Zhang DL, Lu XH, Zhu C, Peng QM, Zhu L, Chang J*, Huang W*, and Wang JP*; Spin coating epitaxial heterodimensional tin perovskites for light-emitting diodes; Nature Nanotechnology 19, 632–637, 2024.
13. Wei J, Zhu MY, Du TC, Li JG, Dai PL, Liu CY, Duan JY, Liu SJ, Zhou XC, Zhang SD, Guo L, Wang H, Ma Y*, Huang W*, and Zhao Q*; Full-color persistent room temperature phosphorescent elastomers with robust optical properties; Nature Communications 14 (1): 8, 2023.
14. Min H, Chang J, Tong YF, Wang JQ, Zhang F, Feng ZQ, Bi XY, Chen NN, Kuang ZY, Wang SX, Yuan LZ, Shi HK, Zhao N, Qian DM, Xu S, Zhu L, Wang NN*, Huang W*, and Wang JP*; Additive treatment yields high-performance lead-free perovskite light-emitting diodes; Nature Photonics, 2023
15. Wang FF, Li MB, Tian QS, Sun RM, Ma HZ, Wang HZ, Chang JX, Li ZH, Chen HY, Cao JP, Wang AF, Dong JJ, Liu Y, Zhao JZ, Chu Y, Yan SH, Wu ZC, Liu JX, Li Y, Chen XL, Gao P, Sun Y, Liu TT, Liu WB, Li RZ, Wang JP, Cheng YB, Liu XG, Huang W*, and Qin TS*; Monolithically-grained perovskite solar cell with Mortise-Tenon structure for charge extraction balance; Nature Communications 14: 3216, 2023.
16.Gu H, Xia JM, Liang C*, Chen YH*, Huang W*, and Xing GC*; Phase-pure two-dimensional layered perovskite thin films; Nature Reviews Materials 8: 533-551, 2023.
17. Wei J, Liu CY, Duan JY, Shao AW, Li JL, Li JG, Gu WJ, Li ZX, Liu SJ, Ma Y*,Huang W*, and Zhao Q*; Conformation-dependent dynamic organic phosphorescence through thermal energy driven molecular rotations; Nature Communications 14: 627, 2023.
18.Li MB, Sun RM, Chang JX, Dong JJ, Tian QS, Wang HZ, Li ZY, Yang PH, Shi HK, Yang C, Wu ZC, Li RZ, Yang YG, Wang AF, Zhang ST, Wang FF*, Huang W*, and Qin TS*; Orientated crystallization of FA-based perovskite via hydrogen-bonded polymer network for efficient and stable solar cells; Nature Communications 14: 573, 2023.
19. Zhang X, Zeng MJ, Zhang YW, Zhang CY, Gao ZS, He, F, Xue XD, Li HH, Li P, Xie GZ, Li H, Zhang X, Guo NN, Cheng H, Luo AS, Zhao W, Zhang YZ, Tao Y*, Chen RF*, and Huang W*; Multicolor hyperafterglow from isolated fluorescence chromophores; Nature Communications 14: 475, 2023.
20. Zhao WW, Ni H, Ding CB, Liu LL*, Fu QF, Lin FF, Tian F, Yang P, Liu SJ, He WJ, Wang XM, Huang W* and Zhao Q*; 2D Titanium carbide printed flexible ultrawideband monopole antenna for wireless communications; Nature Communications 14: 278, 2023.
21. Chen CS, Chen JX, Han HC, Chao LF, Hu JF, Niu TT, Dong H, Yang SW, Xia YD, Chen YH*, and Huang W*; Perovskite solar cells based on screen-printed thin films; Nature 612: 266-271, 2022.
22. Zhu ZH, Zhu C, Yang L, Chen Q, Zhang LH, Dai J, Cao JC, Zeng SY, Wang ZY, Wang ZW, Zhang W, Bao JS, Yang LJ, Yang Y, Chen B, Yin CY, Chen H, Cao Y, Gu H, Yan JX, Wang NN, Xing GC, Li H, Wang XY, Li SZ, Liu Z, Zhang H, Wang L*, Huang X*, and Huang W*; Room-temperature epitaxial welding of 3D and 2D perovskites; Nature Materials, 2022.
23. Zhang HS, Dong XM, Zhang ZC, Zhang ZP, Ban CY, Zhou Z, Song C, Yan SQ, Xin Q, Liu JQ*, Li YX*, Huang W*; Co-assembled perylene/graphene oxide photosensitive heterobilayer for efficient neuromorphics; Nature Communications 13: 4996, 2022.
24. Gan N, Zou X, Dong MY, Wang YZ, Wang X, Lv AQ, Song ZC, Zhang YY, Gong WQ, Zhao Z, Wang ZY, Zhou ZX, Ma HL, Liu XW, Chen QS, Shi HF, Yang HH, Gu L, An ZF*, and Huang W*; Organic phosphorescent scintillation from copolymers by X-ray irradiation; Nature Communications 13: 3995, 2022.
25. Liu HD, Du CF, Liao LL, Zhang HJ, Zhou HQ, Zhou WC, Ren TT, Sun ZC, Lu YF, Nie ZT, Xu F, Zhu JX*, and Huang W*; Approaching intrinsic dynamics of MXenes hybrid hydrogel for 3D printed multimodal intelligent devices with ultrahigh superelasticity and temperature sensitivity; Nature Communications 13: 3420, 2022.
26.Li H, Gu J, Wang ZJ, Wang J, He F, Li, Tao Y*, Li HH, Xie GH, Huang W*, Zheng C, and Chen RF*; Single-component color-tunable circularly polarized organic afterglow through chiral clusterization; Nature Communications 13: 429, 2022.
27. Ye WP, Ma HL, Shi HL, Wang H, Lv AQ, Bian LF, Zhang M, Ma CQ, Ling K, Gu MX, Mao YF, Yao XK, Gao CF, Shen K, Jia WY, Zhi JH, Cai SZ, Song ZC, Li JJ, Zhang YY, Lu S, Dong CM, Wang Q, Zhou YD, Yao W, Zhang YJ, Zhang HM, Zhang ZY, Hang XC, An ZF*, Liu XG*, and Huang W*; Confining isolated chromophores for highly efficient blue phosphorescence; Nature Materials 20: 1539–1544, 2021.
28. Zhu L, Cao H, Xue C, Zhang H, Qin MH, Wang J, Wen KC, Fu ZW, Jiang T, Xu L, Zhang Y, Cao Y, Tu CL, Zhang J, Liu DW, Zhang GB, Kong DC, Fan N, Li GQ, Yi C, Peng QM, Chang J, Lu XH, Wang NN*, Huang W*, and Wang JP*; Unveiling the additive-assisted oriented growth of perovskite crystallite for high performance lightemitting diodes; Nature Communications12: 5081, 2021.
29. Xie LB, Wang LL, Zhao WW, Liu SJ, Huang W*, and Zhao Q*; WS2 moiré superlattices derived from mechanical flexibility for hydrogen evolution reaction; Nature Communications 12 (1): 5070, 2021.
30. Hui W, Chao LF, Lu H, Xia F, Wei Q, Su ZH, Niu TT, Tao L, Du B, Li DL, Wang Y, Dong H, Zuo SW, Li B, Shi W, Ran XQ, Li P, Zhang H, Wu ZB, Ran CX, Song L, Xing GC, Gao XY, Zhang J, Xia YD, Chen YH*, and Huang W*; Stabilizing black-phase formamidinium perovskite formation at room temperature and high humidity; Science 371 (6536): 1359-1364, 2021.
31. Xie ZL, Zhang XY, Wang HL, Huang C, Sun HD, Dong MY, Ji L, An ZF, Yu T*, and Huang W*; Wide-range lifetime-tunable and responsive ultralong organic phosphorescent multi-host/guest system; Nature Communications 12: 3522, 2021.
32. Han CM, Du RM, Xu H*, Han SY, Ma P, Bian JK, Duan CB, Wei Y, Sun MZ, Liu XG*, and Huang W*; Ladder-like energy-relaying exciplex enables 100% internal quantum efficiency of white tadf-based diodes in a single emissive layer; Nature Communications 12 (1): 3640, 2021.
33. Liu Y, Wang JG, Wang FF, Cheng ZC, Fang YY, Chang Q, Zhu JX, Wang L, Wang JP, Huang W*, and Qin TS*; Full-frame and high-contrast smart windows from halide-exchanged perovskites; Nature Communications 12 (1): 3360, 2021.
34. Chen H, Zhu L, Xue C, Liu PL, Du XR, Wen KC, Zhang H, Xu L, Xiang CS, Lin C, Qin MC, Zhang J, Jiang T, Yi C, Cheng L, Zhang CL, Yang PH, Niu ML, Xu WJ, Lai JY, Cao Y, Chang J, Tian H, Jin YZ, Lu XH, Jiang L, Wang NN, Huang W*, and Wang JP*; Efficient and bright warm-white electroluminescence from lead-free metal halides; Nature Communications 12 (1): 1421, 2021.
35. Wang X, Shi HF, Ma HL, Ye WP, Song LL, Zan J, Yao XK, Ou XY, Yang GH, Zhao Z, Singh M, Lin CY, Wang H, Jia WY, Wang Q, Zhi JH, Dong CM, Jiang XY, Tang YA, Xie XJ, Yang Y, Wang JP, Chen QS, Wang Y, Yang HH, Zhang GQ, An ZG*, Liu X*, and Huang W*; Organic phosphors with bright triplet excitons for efficient X-ray-excited luminescence; Nature Photonics 15 (3): 187-192, 2021.
36. Ji JP, Perepichka F, Bai JW, Hu D, Xu XR, Liu M, Wang T, Zhao CB, Meng H*, and Huang W*; Three-phase electric power driven electroluminescent devices; Nature Communications 12: 54, 2021.
37. Liang C, Gu H, Xia YD, Wang Z, Liu XT, Xia JM, Zuo SW, Hu Y, Gao XY, Hui W, Chao LF, Niu TT, Fang M, Lu H, Dong H, Yu H, Chen S, Ran XQ, Song LX, Li B, Zhang J, Peng Y, Shao GS, Wang JP, Chen YH*, Xing GC*, and Huang W*; Two-dimensional ruddlesden-popper layered perovskite solar cells based on phase-pure thin films; Nature Energy 6: 38-45, 2021.
38. Liu YY, Li XC, Wang S, Cheng T, Yang H, Liu C, Gong Y, Lai WY*, and Huang W*; Self-templated synthesis of uniform hollow spheres based on highly conjugated three-dimensional covalent organic frameworks; Nature Communications 11 (1): 5561, 2020.
39. Xu S, Wang W, Li H, Zhang JY, Chen RF*, Wang S, Zheng C, Xing GC*, Song CY*, and Huang W*; Design of highly efficient deep-blue organic afterglow through guest sensitization and matrices rigidification; Nature Communications 11 (1): 4802, 2020.
40. Yi C, Liu C, Wen KC, Liu XK, Zhang H, Yu Y, Fan N, Ji FX, Kuang CY, Ma B, Tu CL, Zhang Y, Xue C, Li RZ, Gao F*, Huang W*, and Wang JP*; Intermediate-phase-assisted low-temperature formation of γ‑CsPbI3 films for high-efficiency deep-red light-emitting devices; Nature Communications 11: 4736, 2020.
41. Lin DQ, Wei Y, Peng AZ, Zhang H, Zhong CX, Lu D, Zhang H, Zheng XP, Yang L Feng QY, Xie LH*, and Huang W*; Stereoselective gridization and polygridization with centrosymmetric molecular packing; Nature Communications 11: 1756, 2020.
42. Wang GJ, Shi QQ, Hu WY, Chen T, Guo YY, Hu ZL, Gong MH, Guo JC, Wei DH*, Fu ZQ*, and Huang W*; Organocatalytic asymmetric N-sulfonyl amide C-N bond activation to access axially chiral biaryl amino acids; Nature Communications 11: 946, 2020.
43. Gu L, Wu HW, Ma HL, Ye WP, Jia WY, Wang H, Chen HZ, Nan Z, Wang DD, Qian C, An ZF*, Huang W*,and Zhao YL*; Color-tunable ultralong organic room temperature phosphorescence from a multicomponent copolymer; Nature Communications 11: 944, 2020.
44. Jin JB, Jiang H, Yang QQ, Tang LL, Tao Y, Li YY, Chen RF*, Zheng C, Fan QL, Zhang KY, Zhao Q, and Huang W*; Thermally activated triplet exciton release for highly efficient tri-mode organic afterglow; Nature Communications 11: 842, 2020.
45. Bao CX, Xu WD, Yang J, Bai S, Teng PP, Yang Y, Wang JP, Zhao N, Zhang WJ*, Huang W*, and Gao F*; Dual-functional perovskite diodes enabling bidirectional optical signal transmission between two identical devices; Nature Electronics 3: 156-164, 2020.
46. Ren H, Yu SD, Chao LF, Xia YD, Sun YH, Zuo SW, Li F, Niu TT, Yang YG, Ju HX, Li BX, Du HY, Gao XY, Zhang J, Wang JP, Zhang L*, Chen YH*, and Huang W*; Efficient and stable Ruddlesden-Popper perovskite solar cell with tailored interlayer molecular interaction; Nature Photonics 14: 154–163, 2020.
47. Cai SZ, Ma HL, Shi HF, Wang H, Wang X, Xiao LX, Ye WP, Huang KW, Cao XD, Gan N, Ma CQ, Gu MX, Song LL, Xu H, Tao YT, Zhang CF, Yao W, An ZF*, and Huang W*; Enabling long-lived organic room temperature phosphorescence in polymers by subunit interlocking; Nature Communications 10: 4247, 2019.
48. Miao YF, Ke Y, Wang NN, Zou W, Xu MM, Cao Y, Sun Y, Yang R, Wang Y, Tong YF, Xu WJ, Zhang LD, Li RZ, Li J, He HP, Jin YZ, Gao F, Huang W*, and Wang JP*; Stable and bright formamidinium-based perovskite light-emitting diodes with high energy conversion efficiency; Nature Communications 10: 3624, 2019.
49. Gu L, Shi HF, Bian LF, Gu MX, Ling K, Wang X, Ma HL, Cai SZ, Ning WH, Fu LS, Wang H, Wang S, Gao YR, Yao W, Huo FW, Tao YT, An ZF*, Liu XG*, and Huang W*; Colour-tunable ultra-long organic phosphorescence of a single-component molecular crystal; Nature Photonics 13: 406-411, 2019.
50. Xu WD, Hu Q, Bai S, Bao CX, Miao YF, Yuan ZC, Borzda T, Barker AJ, Tyukalova E, Hu ZJ, Kawecki M, Wang HY, Yan ZB, Liu XJ, Shi XB, Uvdal K, Fahlman M, Zhang WJ, Duchamp M, Liu JM, Petrozza A, Wang JP, Liu LM*, Huang W*, and Gao F*; Rational molecular passivation for high-performance perovskite light-emitting diodes; Nature Photonics 13: 418–424, 2019.
52. Wang XS, Wang ZW, Zhang JD, Wang X, Zhang ZP, Wang JL, Zhu ZH, Li ZY, Liu Y, Hu XF, Qiu JW, Hu GH, Chen B, Wang N, He QY, Chen JZ, Yan JX, Zhang W, Hasan T, Li SZ, Li H, Zhang H, Wang Q*, Huang X*, and Huang W*; Realization of vertical metal semiconductor heterostructures via solution phase epitaxy; Nature Communications 9: 3611, 2018.
54. Zou W, Li RZ, Zhang ST, Liu YL, Wang NN, Cao Y, Miao YF, Xu MM, Guo Q, Di DW, Zhang L, Yi C, Gao F, Friend RH, Wang JP*, and Huang W*; Minimising efficiency roll-off in high-brightness perovskite light-emitting diodes; Nature Communications 9: 608, 2018.
55. Ma Y, She PF, Zhang KY, Yang HR, Qin YY, Xu ZH, Liu SJ, Zhao Q*, and Huang W*; Dynamic metal-ligand coordination for multicolour and water-jet rewritable paper; Nature Communications 9: 3, 2018.
56. Shang JZ, Cong CX, Wang ZL, Peimyoo N, Wu LS, Zou CJ, Chen Y, Chin XY, Wang JP, Soci C, Huang W*, and Yu T*; Room-temperature 2D semiconductor activated vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers; Nature Communications 8: 543, 2017.
57. Xing GC, Wu B, Wu XY, Li MJ, Du B, Wei Q, Guo J, Yeow EKL, Sum TC*, and Huang W*; Transcending the slow bimolecular recombination in lead-halide perovskites for electroluminescence; Nature Communications 8: 14558, 2017.
58. Han SY, Qin X, An ZF, Zhu YH, Liang LL, Han Y*, Huang W*, and Liu XG*; Multicolour synthesis in lanthanide-doped nanocrystals through cation exchange in water; Nature Communications 7: 13059, 2016.
59. Wang NN, Cheng L, Ge R, Zhang ST, Miao YF, Zou W, Yi C, Sun Y, Cao Y, Yang R, Wei YQ, Guo Q, Ke Y, Yu MT, Jin YZ, Liu Y, Ding QQ, Di DW, Yang L, Xing GC, Tian H, Jin CH, Gao F, Friend RH, Wang JP*, and Huang W*; Perovskite light-emitting diodes based on solution-processed self-organized multiple quantum wells; Nature Photonics 10: 699–704, 2016.
60. Jiang J, Zhu JH, Ai W, Wang XL, Wang YL, Zou CJ, Huang W*, and Yu T*; Encapsulation of sulfur with thin-layered nickel-based hydroxides for long-cyclic lithium-sulfur cells; Nature Communications 6: 8622, 2015.
61. An ZF, Zheng C, Tao Y, Chen RF*, Shi HF, Chen T, Wang ZX, Li HH, Deng RR, Liu XG*, and Huang W*; Stabilizing triplet excited states for ultralong organic phosphorescence; Nature Materials 14 (7): 685-690, 2015.
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