
发布者:材料科学与工程学院、信息材料与纳米技术研究院 发布时间:2023-03-09浏览次数:4978









2012.09-2016.06 内蒙古民族大学,化学化工学院,应用化学,工学学士

2016.09-2019.06 南京工业大学,先进材料研究院,有机化学,理学硕士

2019.09-2022.12 南京大学,化学化工学院,化学,理学博士





 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:“手性超分子共组装聚合物网络的设计合成及其圆偏振电致发光性能研究”,项目编号6230517220241-202612月,项目负责人。


 3. 南京邮电大学引进人才科研启动基金(自然科学):“基于手性热激活延迟荧光聚合物网络的圆偏振有机发光二极管”,项目编号NY22305220237-20266,项目负责人。


长期从事手性有机光电功能材料的设计合成及其辐射发光特性的研究,围绕手性超分子组装策略,研究该过程中手性诱导、传递和放大的主要机制,并将手性超分子纳米纤维应用在有机发光二极管和X射线成像中,开展了系统性研究,相关工作(第一作者或通讯作者)发表在Nature Communications, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Functional Materials, ACSNano, Chemical Communications等著名学术期刊上。


(1) Zhang Yuxia; Li Hang; Geng Zhongxing; Zheng Wenhua*; Quan Yiwu*; Cheng Yixiang*, Dynamically stable and amplified circularly polarized excimer emission regulated by solvation of chiral co-assembly process, Nature Communications, 2022, 13, 4905.

(2) Zhang Yuxia; Huang Jie; Guo Yingying; Li Lin; Fu Zhenqian*; Huang Wei*; Access to enantioenriched organosilanes from enals and beta-silyl enones: carbene organocatalysis, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2018, 17, 4594-4598.

(3) Zhang Yuxia; Wang Yuchang; Wu Junjie; Shao Aiwen; Liu Jiao; Liu Shujuan; Li Bingxiang;* Ma Yun;* Zhao Qiang *, Enhanced photoactivated circularly polarized afterglow with high dissymmetry factor and tunable emission, Advanced Functional Materials, 2025, 2424404.  Doi: 10.1002/adfm.202424404.

(4) Zhang Yuxia; Li Hang; Geng Zhongxing; Zheng Wen-Hua*; Quan Yiwu*; Cheng Yixiang*, Inverted circularly polarized luminescence behavior induced by helical nanofibers through chiral co-assembly from achiral liquid crystal polymers and chiral inducers, ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 3173-3181.

(5) Zhang Yuxia; Kong Fan Lu; Chen Hao Yu; Liu Chang; Zhang Sen Yu; Wang Shi;* Wen Li Jing; Li Yong Hua;* Zhang Kenneth Yin, AIE-active circularly polarized thermally activated delayed fluorescence emitters for stable solution-processed circularly polarized electroluminescence. Chemistry A European Journal, 2025, e202403970.

(6) Yuxia Zhang,a Xiaomei Wu,a Shujuan Liu,a Yun Ma *ab and Qiang Zhao *ab, Unveiling the potential of triphenylphosphine salts in tuning organic room temperature phosphorescence, Chemical Communications, 2024, 60, 9328.

(7) 王煜昌, 王潇, 张京, 张雨霞,* 马云,* 赵强*, 基于胆甾型液晶的有机圆偏振室温磷光材料的研究进展, 《中国科学:化学》2024, 54(08).

(8) Zhang Yuxia; Yu Wenting; Li Hang; Zheng Wenhua*; Cheng Yixiang*. Induced CPL-active materials based on chiral supramolecular co-assemblies. Chemistry A European Journal, 2023, e202204039.

(9) Zhang Yuxia; Geng Zhongxing; Zhang Yu; Xu Zhaoran; Li Hang; Cheng Yixiang*; Quan Yiwu*, Deep blue circularly polarized luminescence response behavior of an achiral pyrene-based emitter regulated by chiral co-assembly helical nanofibers, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12, 3767-3772.

(10) Zhang Yuxia#; Huang Xuan#; Guo Jingcheng; Wei Chenlong; Gong Minghua; Fu Zhenqian*; Carbene-catalyzed enantioselective synthesis of gamma-keto-beta-silyl esters and amides, Organic Letters, 2020, 22, 9545-9550.

(11) Zhang Yuxia#; Zhang Ye#; Guo Jingcheng#; Han Jinna; Zhou Xiangui; Fu Zhenqian*; Asymmetric synthesis of gamma-lactams under low-loading N-heterocyclic carbene catalysis, Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2021, 8, 5087-5091.

(12) Zhang Yuxia; Guo Jingcheng; Huang Jie; Fu Zhenqian*. N-heterocyclic carbene-catalyzed [4+2] annulation of acetates and β-silyl enones: highly enantioselective synthesis of β-silyl δ-lactones. Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2021, 41, 4467-4475.

(13) Geng Zhongxing; Zhang Yuxia; Zhang Yu; Quan Yiwu*; Cheng Yixiang*. Amplified circularly polarized electroluminescence behavior triggered by helical nanofibers from chiral co-assembly polymers. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022, 61, e202202718.

(14) Chen Yihan; Zhang Yuxia; Li Hang; Li Yang; Zheng Wenhua*; Quan Yiwu*; Cheng Yixiang*, Dynamic circularly polarized luminescence with tunable handedness and intensity enabled by achiral dichroic dyes in cholesteric liquid crystal medium. Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2202309.

(15) Geng Zhongxing; Zhang Yuxia; Zhang Yu; Li Yang; Quan Yiwu*; Cheng Yixiang*, Circularly polarized electroluminescence from an achiral fluorophore induced by co-assembly with chiral polymers. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2021, 9, 12141-12147.

