邮 箱:iamyfyu@njupt.edu.cn
主要从事基于新型低维半导体的红外光电子器件研究,构筑了面向光通信波段和中红外大气窗口的系列高性能红外传感器。在Advanced Materials(2 篇),Sci. China Inform. Sci.和Laser & Photonics Reviews 等国际期刊上发表一作/通讯作者论文 13 篇,合作论文 14 篇。申请国家专利 3 项。作为负责人主持中国博士后科学基金特别资助等5项科研项目,制定国家标准和国际标准提案分别 1 项。参与了 3 项国家重点研发计划和 2 项国家自然科学基金研究。曾获得博士研究生国家奖学金。原创性成果被 Nature 子刊和顶级综述期刊 Progress in Materials Science等多次引用,多篇研究成果入选:Editors' Suggestion 和 Topical Review等热点文章。
1. 二维材料
2. 红外探测器
3. 表面等离激元
4. 载流子动力学
1. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助,2022.04-2023.07,18万元,项目负责人
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2021.05-2023.03,8万元,项目负责人
3. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划,2021.05-2023.05,5万元,项目负责人
4. 东南大学博士后前沿科学基金,2021.01-2021.12,5万元,项目负责人
5. 有机电子与信息显示国家重点实验室主任基金,2024.01-2026.12,5万元,项目负责人
1. 博士研究生国家奖学金(2019);
2. “Excellent Oral Presentation” in ICNNN international conference, Kyoto, Japan(2019);
4. 低维材料应用与标准研讨会优秀墙报奖(2018);
1. Yuanfang Yu, Lei Gao, Xianghong Niu, Kaiyang Liu, et al., Deciphering adverse detrapped hole transfer in hot-electron photoelectric conversion at infrared wavelengths, Advanced Materials, 2023, 35(12): 2210157. (SCI, IF 29.4)
2. Yuanfang Yu, Yue Sun, Zhenliang Hu, Xuhong An, et al., Fast Photoelectric Conversion in the Near-Infrared Enabled by Plasmon-Induced Hot-Electron Transfer, Advanced Materials. 2019, 31(43): 1903829. (SCI, IF 29.4)入选表现不俗论文
3.Xinlei Zhang†, Ruizhi Li†, Yuanfang Yu*, et al., Dark Current Mechanisms and Suppression Strategies for Infrared Photodetectors Based on Two-dimensional Materials, Laser & Photonics Reviews, 2023, 2300936. (SCI, IF 11) 通讯作者
4. Yueying Cui†, Zhouyu Tong†, Xinlei Zhang, Wenhui Wang, Yang Wang, Weiwei Zhao, Yuanfang Yu*, et al., Mid-infrared plasmonic silicon quantum dot/HgCdTe Photodetector with Ultra-high Specific Detectivity, Science China Information Sciences, 2023, 66(4): 142404. (SCI, IF 8.8) 通讯作者
5. Yuanfang Yu, Fan Zhong, Ruizhi Li, Yueying Cui, et al., High-performance infrared photodetection beyond bandgap limitation based on surface plasmon resonance in sub-stoichiometry molybdenum oxide nanostructures, 2D Materials, 2023, 10(2): 025012. (SCI, IF 5.5)
6. Yuanfang Yu†,*, Lin Liu†, et al., High-sensitivity MoO3-x/Bi2O2Se Hybrid Photodetector Operating at Wavelengths of O-band and C-band, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2024, 45(4): 613-616. (SCI, IF 4.9)
7. Xinlei Zhang†, Yuanfang Yu†, Fang Yang, et al., High-performance WO3-x/Bi2O2Se Near-Infrared Photodetectors Based on Plasmon-induced Hot-Electron Injection, Applied Physics Letters, 2022, 121(6): 061103. (SCI, IF 4) 共同一作
8. Yuanfang Yu†, Fan Zhong†,*, QiongQiong Chu, et al., Polarization-sensitive Narrowband Infrared Photodetection Triggered by Optical Tamm State Engineering, Optics Express, 2023, 31(5): 8797. (SCI, IF 3.8)
9. Peng Zhang†, Yong Zhang†, Lei Gao, Gefei Li, Sheng Zhang, Junpeng Lu, Yuanfang Yu* and Jialin Zhang *, Multispectral Photodetectors Based on 2D Material/Cs3Bi2I9 Heterostructures with High Detectivity, Nanotechnology, 2021, 32(41): 415202. (SCI, IF 3.5)通讯作者
10. Yuanfang Yu, Ye Zhang, Fan Zhong, Lin Bai, et al., Highly Sensitive Mid-Infrared Photodetector Enabled by Plasmonic Hot Carriers in the First Atmospheric Window, Chinese Physics Letters, 2022, 39(5): 058501. (SCI, IF 3.5) 当期Highlighted Articles
11. Yuanfang Yu, Feng Miao, Jun He, Zhenhua Ni, Photodetecting and light-emitting devices based on two-dimensional materials, Chinese Physics B, 2017, 26(3): 036801. (SCI, IF 1.7) 入选Topical Review
12. Yuanfang Yu, Zhenzhen Li, Wenhui Wang, Xitao Guo, et al., Investigation of multilayer domains in large-scale CVD monolayer graphene by optical imaging, Journal of Semiconductors, 2017, 38(3): 033003. (EI)
13. Yuanfang Yu, Zhenhua Ni. Photodetection based on Surface Plasmon-induced Hot Electrons, Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2019, 56(20): 202403. (ESCI, CSCD)特邀综述
14. 授权专利:ZL 201710504771.8,授权公告日:2021 年 1 月 15 日,一种基于可降解生物传感器的心肌细胞生长状态监控系统,发明人:于远方,倪振华,梁铮,丁荣
15. 国家标准:GB/T 40071-2021,实施日期:2021 年 12 月 1 日,纳米技术-石墨烯相关二维材料的层数测量-光学对比度法,起草人:倪振华、梁铮、丁荣、谭平恒、王英英、安旭红、于远方、李倩、南海燕、吴幸、陈丽琼