E-mail: iamzshuang@njupt.edu.cn; huangzsnju@163.com。
(1) 纳米药物递送与抗肿瘤免疫治疗;
(2) 基于临床上市药物之间自组装纳米药物的开发;
(3) 新型纳米二维光电材料在抗肿瘤免疫治疗方面的应用。
基于临床上市药物之间的自组装,合理构建和开发了多种不同形状和功能的纳米药物,显著改善了一些临床药物的溶解性差,生物利用度低,毒性大,以及体内长循环时间短等问题。并成功将这些自组装纳米药物用于肿瘤的放射免疫治疗,用于增强放疗介导的远端效应。另一方面,基于临床上市药物之间自组装纳米药物的开发,可以极大地加速其临床转化。主要研究内容包括新型超分子自组装纳米药物的开发与抗肿瘤免疫治疗;多功能生物纳米材料的合成与抗肿瘤免疫治疗;肿瘤免疫相关小分子及其衍生物的设计与合成。近五年来以第一作者先后在Nature Communications、ACS Nano、Organic Letters、Organic Chemistry Frontiers、The Journal of Organic Chemistry、Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry等国际著名学术刊物上发表SCI论文6篇,申请并获授权中国发明专利二项。
5 代表性学术论文
[1] Zhusheng Huang, Yuxiang Wang, Dan Yao, Jinhui Wu, Yiqiao Hu* and Ahu Yuan*. Nanoscale Coordination Polymers Induce Immunogenic Cell Death by Amplifying Radiation Therapy Mediated Oxidative Stress[J]. Nature Communications, 2021; 12: 145 (IF = 14.919).
[2] Zhusheng Huang, Dan Yao, Qingsong Ye, Haojie Jiang, Rong Gu, Changwei Ji, Jinhui Wu, Yiqiao Hu* and Ahu Yuan*. Zoledronic acid-Gadolinium Coordination Polymer Nanorods for Improved Tumor Radioimmunotherapy by Synergetically Inducing Immunogenic Cell Death and Reprogramming Immunosuppressive Microenvironment[J]. ACSNano,2021; 15: 8450-8465 (IF = 15.881).
[3]Zhusheng Huang, Xiuqin Yang, Fulai Yang, Tao Lu, and Qingfa Zhou*. Phosphine-catalyzed dominoβ/γ-additions of benzofuranones with allenoates: a method for unsymmetrical3,3-disubstituted benzofuranones[J]. Organic Letters,2017;19 (13): 3524-3527 (IF = 6.732).
[4]Zhusheng Huang, Qingqing Chen, Xiuqin Yang, Yang Liu, Li Zhang, Tao Lu* andQingfa Zhou*. Phosphine-mediateddomino reactions of phthalimidomalonates with allenoates or but-2-ynoate: facile entryinto highly functionalized pyrroloisoindolinone derivatives[J]. Organic Chemistry Frontiers, 2017;4: 967-971 (IF = 5.455).
[5]Zhusheng Huang, Yishu Bao, Yu Zhang, Fulai Yang, Tao Lu, and Qingfa Zhou*. Hydroxy-assisted regio- andstereoselective synthesis of functionalized 4-methylenepyrrolidine derivatives viaphosphine-catalyzed [3+2] cycloaddition of allenoates with o-hydroxyaryl azomethineylides[J]. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017;82(23): 12726-12734 (IF = 4.845).
[6]Zhusheng Huang, Zonghao Dai, Jin Zhu, Fulai Yang and Qingfa Zhou*. Synthesis of functionalized 2,5-dihydropyrrole derivatives via a convenient [3 + 2] annulation of azomethine ylides with allenoates[J]. Organic & Biomolecular. Chemistry, 2018; 16, 6638-6646 (IF = 3.876).