联系方式 办公地点:南京市文苑路9号南京邮电大学仙林校区教五楼#322 电话:+86-25-85866332 Email:iamshye@njupt.edu.cn
教育背景及研究工作经历 2005.08—2006.08 江西师范大学留校任教一年; 2006.09—2010.07 中国科学院化学研究攻读博士学位; 2010.07—2010.11 中国科学院化学研究所担任助理研究员; 2010.12—至今南京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院任教; 2015.12—2016.12 美国田纳西大学(University of Tennessee)材料科学与工程学院访学1年。 研究方向 有机信息显示与固态白光照明器件,高性能有机光电材料的设计与制备
主要研究项目 (1)南京邮电大学国自基金孵化项目:“可溶液加工的二苯砜类热活化延迟荧光材料的制备及器件应用”,编号:NY218031,2018.1-2020.12,2 万,主持、在研。 (2)南京邮电大学科研孵化项目:“有机固态白光照明器件的关键材料研究”,编号: NY214084,2015.1-2017.12,2 万,主持、已结题。 (3)江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:“外围取代基团电子云密度对咔唑类功能材料的性能调控”,编号BK20131375,2013年9月—2017年8月,10万,主持、已结题。 (4)国家自然基金项目:“固态溶液—新型有机半导体材料及其光电器件”,编号61106017, 2012年1月—2014年12 月,30万,主持、已结题。 (5)江苏省教育厅自然基金项目: “高性能蓝色磷光主体材料的设计、合成及其在有机电致发光器件中应用” ,编号:11KJB430010,2012年1月—2013年12 月,3万,主持、已结题。 (6)国家自然科学基金:“顶栅结构有机场效应晶体管的溶液法制备及性能研究”,编号:60901050,2009年1月—2011年12 月,25万,参与人(3/6)、已结题。 (7)南京邮电大学引进人才启动基金:“适合溶液法加工的深蓝色磷光材料的设计、合成以及应用研究”,编号:NY211026,2011年9月—2013年12 月,项目负责人,7万,主持、已结题。 主要学术成绩 自2006年以来,从事有机光电功能材料及其器件应用工作十多年,具有扎实的专业技术知识和过硬的业务素质能力,在化学、材料、物理、光电子学等多个学科的交叉领域做出了一些特色性的工作,在多个国际知名期刊,如Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Chemistry of Materials, Journal of Materials Chemistry, Chemical Communications, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Chemistry-A European Journal, Applied Physics Letters上发表高质量的学术论文七十余篇,先后获得了包括国家自然科学基金-青年基金、江苏省自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目等在内的多个基金项目的支持,申请国家发明专利20余项;先后承担了《发光学与发光材料》、《高分子材料加工原理》、《有机功能材料与器件》、《半导体材料与器件》、《现代仪器分析》等5门课程。 奖励荣誉 1. 国家青年基金资助获得者(2011) 2. 江苏省政府留学基金获得者(2013) 3. 材料科学与工程学院第二届青年教师授课竞赛“三等奖”(2014) 代表性著作 |
[1]Zhang, Xueyan; Zhang, Yu; Zhang, Haiping; Quan, Yiwu; Li, Yunzhi; Cheng, Yixiang; Ye, Shanghui*, High Brightness Circularly Polarized Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Based on Nondoped Aggregation-Induced Emission (AIE)-Active Chiral Binaphthyl Emitters. Org. Lett. 2019,21 (2), 439-443.
[2]Li, Nengquan; Zhang, Yu; Quan, Yiwu; Li, Le; Ye, Shanghui*; Fan, Quli; Huang, Wei, High-efficiency solution-processed WOLEDs with very high color rendering index based on a macrospirocyclic oligomer matrix host. Optical Materials Express 2018,8 (10), 3208-3219.
[3]Li, Nengquan; Fang, Yayun; Li, Le; Zhao, Huiru; Quan, Yiwu; Ye, Shanghui*; Fan, Quli; Huang, Wei, A universal solution-processable bipolar host based on triphenylamine and pyridine for efficient phosphorescent and thermally activated delayed fluorescence OLEDs. Journal of Luminescence 2018,199, 465-474.
[4]Shang-hui Ye*; Li, Le; Zhang, Meng; Zhou, Zhou; Quan, Mei-han; Guo, Li-Feng; Wang, Ying; Yang, Min; Lai, Wen-yong; Huang, Wei, Pyridine linked fluorene hybrid bipolar host for blue, green, and orange phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes toward solution processing. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2017,5 (45), 11937-11946.
[5]Xuejun Zhan; Yang, Min; Yuan, Lei; Gong, Yanbin; Xie, Yujun; Peng, Qian; Ye, Shanghui*; Li, Qianqian; Li, Zhen, Prying into the limit of CIE value for TPE-based blue AIEgens in organic light-emitting diodes. Dyes and Pigments 2016,128, 60-67.
[6]Shang-hui Ye*; Hu, Tian-qing; Zhou, Zhou; Yang, Min; Mei, Qun-bo; Liu, Yun-qi; Liu, Li-ping; Zhai, Bang-cheng; Jia, Zhen-hong; Huang, Wei, Solution processed single-emissive-layer white organic light-emitting diodes based on fluorene host: Balanced consideration for color quality and electroluminescent efficiency. Organic Electronics 2016,33, 235-245.
[7]Hui Wen; Gong, Xiaohui; Han, Pei; Lin, Baoping; Zhang, Lei; Ye, Shanghui*; Sun, Ying; Zhang, Xueqin; Yang, Hong, Solution-processable small molecule semiconductors based on pyrene-fused bisimidazole and influence of alkyl side-chain on the charge transport. Rsc Advances 2016,6 (73), 69277-69281.
[8]Qunbo Mei; Chen, Chen; Tian, Ruqiang; Yang, Min; Tong, Bihai; Hua, Qingfang; Shi, Yujie; Fan, Quli; Ye, Shanghui*, Highly efficient orange phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes based on an iridium(III) complex with diethyldithiocarbamate (S boolean AND S) as the ancillary ligand. Rsc Advances 2016,6 (68), 64003-64008.
[9]Shang-Hui Ye*; Hu, Tian-Qing; Zhou, Zhou; Yang, Min; Quan, Mei-Han; Mei, Qun-Bo; Zhai, Bang-Cheng; Jia, Zhen-Hong; Lai, Wen-Yong; Huang, Wei, Solution processed single-emission layer white polymer light-emitting diodes with high color quality and high performance froma poly(N-vinyl) carbazole host. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2015,17 (14), 8860-8869.
[10]Kun Chen; Zhao, Hui-Ru; Fan, Zhao-Kang; Yin, Gui; Chen, Qing-Min; Quan, Yi-Wu; Li, Shu-Hua; Ye, Shang-Hui*, Macrospirocyclic Oligomer Based on Triphenylamine and Diphenylphosphine Oxide as a Bipolar Host for Efficient Blue Electrophosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes (OLEDs). Organic Letters 2015,17 (6), 1413-1416.
[11]Zhaokang Fan; Zhao, Huiru; Li, Nengquan; Quan, Yiwu; Chen, Qingmin; Ye, Shanghui*; Li, Shuhua; Wang, Ying; Fan, Quli; Huang, Wei, Tuning Charge Balance in Solution-Processable Bipolar Triphenylamine-diazafluorene Host Materials for Phosphorescent Devices. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2015,7 (18), 9445-9452.
[12]Xinxin Ban; Sun, Kaiyong; Sun, Yueming; Huang, Bin; Ye, Shanghui*; Yang, Min; Jiang, Wei, High Power Efficiency Solution-Processed Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes Using Exciplex-Type Host with a Turn-on Voltage Approaching the Theoretical Limit. ACS Appl. Mater. Inter. 2015,7 (45), 25129-25138.
[13]Zhaokang Fan; Li, Nengquan; Quan, Yiwu; Chen, Qingmin; Ye, Shanghui*; Fan, Quli; Huang, Wei; Xu, Hui, A solution-processable triphenylamine-fluorene host for exciplex based white phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2014,2 (45), 9754-9759.
[14]Jing Huang; Tang, Runli; Zhang, Tian; Li, Qianqian; Yu, Gui; Xie, Shuyi; Liu, Yunqi; Ye, Shanghui*; Qin, Jingui; Li, Zhen, A New Approach to Prepare Efficient Blue AIE Emitters for Undoped OLEDs. Chemistry-a European Journal 2014,20 (18), 5317-5326.
[15]Yong-Hua Li; Huang, Zheng-Feng; Li, Xing-Ao; Lai, Wen-Yong; Wang, Lian-Hui; Ye, Shang-Hui*; Cui, Lin-Fang; Wang, Shi, Synthesis and structural characterization of a novel bis(silyl) platinum(II) complex bearing SiH3 ligand. J. Organomet. Chem. 2014,749, 246-250.
[16]X. F. Xu; Ye, Shang-Hui*; He, B. R.; Chen, B.; Xiang, J. Y.; Zhou, J.; Lu, P.; Zhao, Z. J.; Qiu, H. Y., Dimesitylboryl-functionalized fluorene derivatives: Promising luminophors with good electron-transporting ability for deep blue organic light-emitting diodes. Dyes and Pigments 2014,101, 136-141.
[17]Ye, Shang-Hui; Yin, Cheng-Rong; Zhou, Zhou; Hu, Tian-Qing; Li, Yong-Hua; Li, Lu; Xie, Ling-Hai; Huang, Wei, Solution-Processed High-Performance Orange Phosphorescent and White PLEDs with a High Color-Rendering Index from an Unprecedented pi-Stacked and pi-Conjugated Host Material. Journal of Polymer Science Part B-Polymer Physics 2014,52 (8), 587-595.
[18]Z. F. Chang; Ye, Shang-Hui; He, B. R.; Bei, Z. R.; Lin, L. Y.; Lu, P.; Chen, B.; Zhao, Z. J.; Qiu, H. Y., Efficient Electroluminescence from Excimers of 1,3,6,8-Tetrakis(3,5-dimethylphenyl)pyrene. Chemistry-An Asian Journal 2013,8 (2), 444-449.
[19]B. R. He; Ye, Shang-Hui; Guo, Y. J.; Chen, B.; Xu, X. F.; Qiu, H. Y.; Zhao, Z. J., Aggregation-enhanced emission and efficient electroluminescence of conjugated polymers containing tetraphenylethene units. Science China-Chemistry 2013,56 (9), 1221-1227.
[20]S. J. Liu; Yang, C. J.; Xu, W. J.; Huang, Y. Q.; Ye, Shang-Hui; Zhao, Q.; Liu, X. M.; Huang, W., Effect of metal centres and substituents on the structure and optoelectronic properties of diarylethene compounds: A theoretical study. Science China-Chemistry 2013,56 (1), 137-147.
[21]C. R. Yin; Han, Y.; Li, L.; Ye, Shang-Hui; Mao, W. W.; Yi, M. D.; Ling, H. F.; Xie, L. H.; Zhang, G. W.; Huang, W., Hindrance-functionalized pi-stacked polymer based on polystyrene with pendent cardo groups for organic electronics. Polymer Chemistry 2013,4 (8), 2540-2545.
[22]P. Wang; Liu, S. J.; Lin, Z. H.; Dong, X. C.; Zhao, Q.; Lin, W. P.; Yi, M. D.; Ye, Shang-Hui; Zhu, C. X.; Huang, W., Design and synthesis of conjugated polymers containing Pt(II) complexes in the side-chain and their application in polymer memory devices. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012,22 (19), 9576-9583.
[23]W. B. Wu; Ye, Shang-Hui; Huang, L. J.; Xiao, L.; Fu, Y. J.; Huang, Q.; Yu, G.; Liu, Y. Q.; Qin, J. G.; Li, Q. Q.; Li, Z., A conjugated hyperbranched polymer constructed from carbazole and tetraphenylethylene moieties: convenient synthesis through one-pot A(2)+B-4 Suzuki polymerization, aggregation-induced enhanced emission, and application as explosive chemosensors and PLEDs. Journal of Materials Chemistry 2012,22 (13), 6374-6382.
[24]W. B. Wu; Ye, Shang-Hui; Tang, R. L.; Huang, L. J.; Li, Q. Q.; Yu, G.; Liu, Y. Q.; Qin, J. G.; Li, Z., New tetraphenylethylene-containing conjugated polymers: Facile synthesis, aggregation-induced emission enhanced characteristics and application as explosive chemsensors and PLEDs. Polymer 2012,53 (15), 3163-3171.
[25]W. B. Wu; Ye, Shang-Hui; Yu, G.; Liu, Y. Q.; Qin, J. G.; Li, Z., Novel Functional Conjugative Hyperbranched Polymers with Aggregation-Induced Emission: Synthesis Through One-Pot A2+B4 Polymerization and Application as Explosive Chemsensors and PLEDs. Macromolecular Rapid Communications 2012,33 (2), 164-171.
[26]C. R. Yin; Ye, Shang-Hui; Zhao, J.; Yi, M. D.; Xie, L. H.; Lin, Z. Q.; Chang, Y. Z.; Liu, F.; Xu, H.; Shi, N. E.; Qian, Y.; Huang, W., Hindrance-Functionalized pi-Stacked Polymer Host Materials of the Cardo-Type Carbazole-Fluorene Hybrid for Solution-Processable Blue Electrophosphorescent Devices. Macromolecules 2011,44 (12), 4589-4595.
[27]Z. J. Zhao; Ye, Shang-Hui; Guo, Y. J.; Chang, Z. F.; Lin, L. Y.; Jiang, T.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Lu, P.; Qiu, H. Y.; Liu, Y. Q.; Tang, B. Z., 1,3,6,8-Tetrakis (triisopropylsilyl)ethynyl pyrene: A highly efficient solid-state emitter for non-doped yellow electroluminescence devices. Organic Electronics 2011,12 (12), 2236-2242.
[28]Ye, Shang-Hui; Liu, Y. Q.; Chen, J. M.; Lu, K.; Wu, W. P.; Du, C. Y.; Liu, Y.; Wu, T.; Shuai, Z. G.; Yu, G., Solution-Processed Solid Solution of a Novel Carbazole Derivative for High-Performance Blue Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. Advanced Materials 2010,22 (37), 4167-4171.
[29]S. H. Ye; Liu, Y. Q.; Lu, K.; Wu, W. P.; Du, C. Y.; Liu, Y.; Liu, H. T.; Wu, T.; Yu, G., An Alternative Approach to Constructing Solution Processable Multifunctional Materials: Their Structure, Properties, and Application in High-Performance Organic Light-Emitting Diodes. Advanced Functional Materials 2010,20 (18), 3125-3135.