
时间:2016-03-25   浏览:14345

京邮电大学材料科学与工程学院 教授、硕士生导师

主讲:高分子物理 聚合物共混改性


邮箱: iampfsun@njupt.edu.cn


 2024.09 -迄今    南京邮电大学 材料科学与工程学院 教授

 2018.07 2024.08 南京邮电大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授

 2017.06 -迄今    南京邮电大学 材料科学与工程学院 硕士生导师

 2015.03- 2018.06南京邮电大学 材料科学与工程学院 讲师


 2011.09-2015.01复旦大学高分子化学与物理专业 博士 导师江明院士/陈国颂教授

 2007.09 - 2010.07  桂林理工大学/南京邮电大学 高分子化学与物理专业硕士

 2003.09-2007.07桂林理工大学 高分子材料与工程专业 学士


先后主持承担了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省自然科学基金青年项目等国家级及省部级项目四项。承担多项企业横向课题。以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文60,包括Angewandte Chemie International EditionAdvanced Functional MaterialsAdvanced ScienceBiomaterialsChemical Engineering JournalSmallACS Materials LettersACS Applied Materials & InterfacesScience China Chemistry等。授权国家发明专利10项。




主持并结题校级(“四位一体”的 《高分子物理》教学模式研究与实践)、院级(面向工程专业认证的高分子物理过程化教学探索)教改项目两项






  1. 孙鹏飞,沈清明,钱妍,美星,范曲立. 高分子专业课程设计探索与实践——发光共轭聚合物的设计与信息显示应用. 高分子通报, 2024, 37(3), 405-412.

  2. 孙鹏飞,沈清明,王义成,美星,钱妍.半导体发光聚合物设计与制备虚拟仿真实验开发及应用. 实验室研究与探索, 2024, 43(6), 84-87.




 3、山东沃赛新材料科技有限公司横向课题:“高性能有机硅胶粘剂及老化失效检测新技术研究”, 20229-20269月,30万,主持。


 5、虹石(江苏)新材料科技有限公司横向课题:“VAE乳液防水涂料流变行为研究”, 20223-20243月,30万,主持。


 7、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目:“激活型近红外二区荧光造影剂的制备及在肿瘤成像和治疗中的应用”, 20207-20236月,10万,主持。






1. Xu Sicheng; Sun Pengfei;* Yu Zikun; Chen Kai; Chu Yongzhen; Wang Shaofan;Shen Qingming; Chen Pengfei;* Yao Yuyu;* Fan Quli. Water-soluble lipophilic near-infrared region II fluorophores for high-brightness lipid layer and lipid droplets imaging applications, Small, 2024, 20, 2406159.

2. Chen Pengfei; Rong Jie; Chen Kai; Huang Tian; Shen Qingming; Sun Pengfei;* Tang Weiwei;* Fan Quli*. Photo-amplified plasma membrane rupture by membrane-anchoring NIR-II small molecule design for improved cancer photoimmunotherapy, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2024, 63, e202418081.

3. Hu Junbo; Chen Pengfei; Zhang Longsheng; Sun Pengfei*; Huang Yanqin; Liu Xingfen *; Fan Quli. A universal optical aptasensor for antibiotics determination based on a new high-efficiency Förster resonance energy transfer pair, Microchimica Acta, 2024, 191, 561.

4. Han Hui; Xue Yuwen; Yang Yafeng; Chen Kai; Sun Pengfei*; Shen Qingming*; Fan Quli*. Fabrication of conjugated polymers with aggregation–induced near-infrared-II emission for efficient phototheranostics, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2024, 12, 8383-8388.

5. Liu Kexi; Hu Danni; He Liuliang; Wang Zhichao; Cheng Peng,Sun Pengfei*; Chen Yingying*, Li Daifeng*. Cationic conjugated polymer coupled non-conjugated segments for dually enhanced NIR-II fluorescence and lower-temperature photothermal-gas therapy, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2024, 22, 451.

6. Song Jixiang; Chen Pengfei; Zhang Longsheng; Hu Junbo; Yang Ruining; Sun Pengfei*; Huang Yanqin; Liu Xingfen *; Lu Xiaomei; Fan Quli. A novel near-infrared-II fluorescence probe for serum albumin biosensing and site-binding mechanism study, Sensors and Actuators: B. Chemical, 2024, 418, 136355.

7. Hu Zixin; He Jiarong; Xi Chenhang; Xu Sicheng; Shen Qingming; Chen Pengfei*;Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli. Aggregation-induced emission near-Infrared (NIR)-II-conjugated polymers coupled with nonconjugated segments for NIR-II fluorescence imaging–guided NIR-II photothermal therapy, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2024, 225, 2400268.

8. Sun Pengfei; Hu Danni; Chen Pengfei; Wang Xuanzong; Shen Qingming; Chen Shangyu*; Li Daifeng*; Fan Quli*. Anti-Quenching NIR-II excitation phenylboronic acid modified conjugated polyelectrolyte for intracellular peroxynitrite-enhanced chemo–photothermal therapy, Advanced Science, 2024, 11, 2309446.

9. Chen Pengfei; Zhang Chi; He Liuliang; Li Mingfei; Rong Jie,Sun Pengfei*; Chen Yingying*, Li Daifeng*. A thermoresponsive nanocomposite integrates NIR-II-absorbing small molecule with lonidamine for pyroptosis-promoted synergistic immunotherapy, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2024, 22, 163.

10. Cheng Peng; Chen Shangyu*; Li Jiewei; Yang Wan; Chen Pengfei; Miao Han; Shen Qingming; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*. A noncovalent backbone planarization strategy increases the NIR-II extinction coefficients for gas/phototheranostic applications, Chemical Communications, 2024, 60(3), 332-335.

11. Wang Xuanzong; Zhang Chi; He Liuliang; Li Mingfei; Chen Pengfei; Yang Wan; Sun Pengfei*; Li Daifeng*, Zhang Yi*. Near Infrared II excitation nanoplatform for photothermal/chemodynamic/antibiotic synergistic therapy combating bacterial biofilm infections, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2023, 21, 446.

12. Hu Danni; Du Xinlong; Qu Fan; Yang Zelan; Chen Pengfei; Shen Qingming; Miao Han; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*. Conjugated polymer coupled with nonconjugated segments for NIR-II fluorescence/NIR-II photoacoustic imaging-guided NIR-II photothermal therapy, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2023, 5(10), 8712-8719.

13. Sun Pengfei; Yang Wan; He Jiarong; He Liuliang; Chen Pengfei; Xu Wenjuan; Shen Qingming; Li Daifeng*; Fan Quli*. Phenylboronic acid-Modified near-Infrared region II excitation donor–acceptor–donor molecule for 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose improved starvation/chemo/photothermal combination therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2023, 12(30), 202302099.

14. Chen Pengfei; Qu Fan; He Liuliang; Li Mingfei; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli, Zhang Chi, Li Daifeng*. Quasi-dendritic sulfonate-based organic small molecule for high-quality NIR-II bone-targeted imaging, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2023, 21, 230.

15. Cheng Peng; Du Xinlong; Chen Shangyu*; Chen Kai; Yuan Ying; Shao Jing; Shen Qingming; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli. Donor-Acceptor-Donor near infrared-II aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens) encapsulated within nanometer-sized exosomes for tumor imaging, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023, 6(12), 10736-10745.

16. Chen Shangyu; Zhou Peng; Yang Wan; Hu Danni; Chen Pengfei; Sun Pengfei*; Ling Jun *; Fan Quli*. Stealth-like polysarcosine-modified nanoparticles with low dye dose and long blood circulation for efficient breast cancer pulmonary metastasis imaging, Biomaterials Science, 2023, 11(13), 4644-4651.

17. Li Xiaoli; Guo Song; Deng Weixing*; Wu Si; Sun Pengfei*; Liu Yuanli*. Water-soluble polymer brush-substituted squaraine NIR-II dye for efficient photothermal therapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2023, 11(20), 4389-4395.

18. Zhang Wansu; Chen Shangyu; Ye Shuai*; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli; Song Jun; Zeng Pengju; Qu Jun-Le; Wong Wai-Yeung *. Enhancing NIR-II phosphorescence through phosphorescence resonance energy transfer for tumor-hypoxia imaging, ACS Materials Letters, 2023, 5(1), 116-124.

19. Chen Shangyu; Pan Yonghui; Chen Kai; Chen Pengfei; Shen Qingming; Sun Pengfei*; Hu Wenbo*; Fan Quli*. Increasing molecular planarity through donor/side-chain engineering for improved NIR-IIa fluorescence imaging and NIR-II photothermal therapy under 1064 nm, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2023, 62(6), 202215372.

20. Ji Jingjing; Chen Shangyu; Yang Ziwei; Zhang Rui; Qian Linglin; Jiang Yu; Guo Jiaqi; Wu Ya; Fan Quli; Yao Yuyu*; Sun Pengfei *. Delivery of Mir-196c-3p with NIR-II light-triggered gel attenuates cardiomyocyte ferroptosis in cardiac ischemia-reperfusion injury, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2023, 47, 102618.

21. Chen Pengfei; Qu Fan; Chen Shangyu; Li Jiewei; Shen Qingming; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*. Bandgap modulation and lipid intercalation generates ultrabright D–A–D–based zwitterionic small-molecule nanoagent for precise NIR-II excitation phototheranostic applications, Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 32(52), 202208463.

22. Sun Pengfei; Qu Fan; Zhang Chi, Chen Pengfei, Li Xiangyu; Shen Qingming; Li Daifeng; Fan Quli*. NIR-II Excitation phototheranostic platform for synergistic photothermal therapy/chemotherapy/chemodynamic therapy of breast cancer bone metastases, Advanced Science, 2022, 9(33), 2204718.

23. Sun Pengfei; Yang Zelan, Qu Fan; Du Xinlong, Shen Qingming; Fan Quli*. Conjugated/nonconjugated alternating copolymers for enhanced NIR-II fluorescence imaging and NIR-II photothermal-ferrotherapy, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2022, 10(47), 9830-9837.

24. Chen Yan; Chen Shangyu; Yu Haoli; Wang Yuesong; Cui Mengyuan; Wang Peng*; Sun Pengfei*; Ji Min*. D-A type NIR-II organic molecules: strategies for the enhancement fluorescence brightness and applications in NIR-II fluorescence imaging-navigated photothermal therapy, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2022, 11(21), 2201158.

25. Du Xinlong; He Kun; Jiang Xinyue; Chen Shangyu; Zhang Ruipeng; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*. Polyamidoamine dendrimer-modified near infrared-II fluorescent conjugated polymer brush for photodynamic/gas therapy, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2022, 4(7), 5103-5112.

26. Li Daifeng; Zhang Chi; Tai Xiaoyan; Xu Denghui; Xu Jianzhong; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli; Cheng Zhen*; Zhang Yi*. 1064 nm Activatable semiconducting polymer-based nanoplatform for NIR-II fluorescence/NIR-II photoacoustic imaging guided photothermal therapy of orthotopic osteosarcoma, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 445, 136836.

27. Chen Yan; Yu Yaoli; Wang Yuesong; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli; Ji Min*. Thiadiazoloquinoxaline derivatives-based NIR-II organic molecules for NIR-II fluorescence imaging and photothermal therapy, Biomaterials Science, 2022, 10(11), 2772-2788.

28. Sun Pengfei; Jiang Xinyue; Sun Bo, Wang Hong, Li Jiewei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Electron-acceptor density adjustments for preparation conjugated polymers with NIR-II absorption and brighter NIR-II fluorescence and 1064 nm active photothermal/gas therapy,Biomaterials, 2022, 280, 120916.

29. Wang Chao; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. NIR-II fluorescent molecular bottlebrush prepared by ring-opening polymerization for programmed cell death ligand-1 checkpoint imaging, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2021, 3(11), 5950-5958.

30. Chen Shangyu; Zhang Wansu; Jiang Xinyue; Guo Yaqi; Sun Pengfei*; Wang Wenjun; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Bright NIR-II fluorescent small-Molecule nanoparticles with reduced intermolecular interaction for targeted in vivo inflammation imaging, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2021, 3(10), 5236-5242.

31. He Ku; Chen Shangyu; Xun Wenjuan; Tai Xiaoyan; Chen Yan; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. High-stability NIR-II fluorescence polymer synthesized by atom transfer radical polymerization for high-resolution NIR-II imaging application, Biomaterials Science, 2021, 9(19), 6434-6443.

32. Yin Chao; Zhang Hua; Sun Bo; Chen Shangyu; Jiang Xinyue, Miao Xiaofei; Sun Pengfei*; Hu Wenbo*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Remarkable suppression of vibrational relaxation in organic semiconducting polymers by introducing a weak electron donor for improved NIR-II phototheranostics, Advanced Functional Materials, 2021, 31(47), 2106575.

33.  Yin Chao; Tai Xiaoyan; Li Xiaozhen; Tan Jihua; Lee Chun-Sing; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Side chain engineering of semiconducting polymers for improved NIR-II fluorescence imaging and photothermal therapy, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 428, 132098.

34. Dai Yeneng; Zhao Honghai; He Kun; Du Wenyun; Kong Yingjie; Wang Zhen; Li Meixing; Shen Qingming*; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*. NIR-II excitation phototheranostic nanomedicine for fluorescence/photoacoustic tumor imaging and targeted photothermal-photonic thermodynamic therapy, Small, 2021, 42(17), 2102527.

35.  Chen Shangyu; Miao Han; Jiang Xinyue, Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Starlike polymer brush-based ultrasmall nanoparticles with simultaneously improved NIR-II fluorescence and blood circulation for efficient orthotopic glioblastoma imaging, Biomaterials, 2021, 275, 120916.

36. He Ku; Chen Shangyu; Chen Yan; Li Jiewei; Sun Pengfei*; Lu, Xiaomei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Water-Soluble donor−acceptor−donor-based fluorophore for high-resolution NIR-II fluorescence imaging applications, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2021, 3(6), 3238-3246.

37. Sun Pengfei; Chen Yan; Sun Bo, Zhang Hua, Chen Kai; Miao Han*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Thienothiadiazole-based NIR-II dyes with D−A−D structure for NIR-II fluorescence imaging systems, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021, 4(5), 4542-4548.

38. Chen Kai; Fang Weijia; Zhang Qingyuan, Jiang Xinyue; Xu Wenjuan*, Sun Pengfei*; Shen Qingming; Huang Wei. Tunable NIR absorption property of a dithiolene nickel complex: a promising NIR-II absorption material for photothermal therapy, ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2021, 4, 4406.

39. Chen Yan; Sun Bo; Jiang Xinyue; Yuan Zhangyu; Chen Shangyu; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Double-acceptor conjugated polymers for NIR-II fluorescence imaging and NIR-II photothermal therapy applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9(4), 1002-1008.

40. Qin Jianhua; Zhang Hua; Sun Pengfei*; Huang Yadan; Shen Qingming*; Yang Xiaogang; Ma Lufang*. Ionic liquid induced highly dense assembly of porphyrin in MOF nanosheets for photodynamic therapy, Dalton Transactions, 2020, 49, 17772.

41. Wang Chao; Sun Bo; Bao Hui, Wang Tao, Xu Wenjuan, Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. NIR-II probe modified by poly(L-lysine) with efficient ovalbumin delivery for dendritic cell tracking, Science China-Chemistry, 2020, 63(9), 1272-1280.

42. Wu Yanping; Wang Chao; Guo Jiaqi, Abdlay Carvalho, Yao Yuyu*, Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*. RGD modified water-soluble fluorophore probe for in vivo NIR-II imaging of thrombosis, Biomaterials Science, 2020, 8(16), 4438-4446.

43. Zhang Wansu; Deng Weixing; Zhang Hua; Sun, Xiaoli; Huang, Ting; Wang Wenjun; Sun Pengfei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Bioorthogonal-targeted 1064 nm excitation theranostic nanoplatform for precise NIR-IIa fluorescence imaging guided efficient NIR-II photothermal therapy, Biomaterials, 2020, 243, 119934.

44. Sun Pengfei; Huang Ting; Wang Xiaoxiao; Wang Gaina; Liu Zhijia *; Chen Guosong; Fan Quli *. Dynamic-Covalent hydrogel with NIR-Triggered drug delivery for localized chemo-photothermal combination therapy, Biomacromolecules, 2020, 21(2), 556-565.

45. Chen Shangyu; Sun Bo; Miao Han; Wang Gaina; Sun Pengfei*; Li Jiewei*; Wang Wenjun; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. NIR-II dye-based Multifunctional telechelic glycopolymers for NIR-IIa fluorescence imaging-Guided stimuli-responsive chemophotothermal Combination Therapy, ACS Materials Letters, 2020, 2(2),174-183.

46.  Zhang Wansu; Sun Xiaoli; Huang, Ting; Pan Xiaoxia; Sun Pengfei*; Li Jiewei; Zhang Hua; Lu Xiaomei*; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. 1300 nm absorption two-acceptor semiconducting polymer nanoparticles for NIR-II photoacoustic imaging system guided NIR-II photothermal therapy, Chemical Communications, 2019, 55(64),9487-9490.

47.  Zhang Wansu; Huang Ting; Li Jiewei; Sun Pengfei*; Wang Yufeng; Shi Wei; Han Wei; Wang Wenjun; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. Facial control intramolecular charge transfer of quinoid conjugated polymers for efficient in Vivo NIR-II imaging, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(18),16311-16318.

48. Sun Pengfei; Wang Xiaoxiao; Wang Gaina; Deng Weixing; Shen Qingming; Jiang Rongcui; Wang Wenjun; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. A perylene diimide zwitterionic polymer for photoacoustic imaging guided photothermal/photodynamic synergistic therapy with single near-infrared irradiation, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6(20),3395-3403.

49. Lu Xiaomei; Yuan Pengcheng; Zhang Wansu; Wu Qi; Wang Xiaoxiao; Zhao Meng; Sun Pengfei*; Huang Wei; Fan Quli*. A highly water-soluble triblock conjugated polymer for in vivo NIR-II imaging and photothermal therapy of cancer,Polymer Chemistry, 2018, 9(22), 3118-3126.

50. Sun Pengfei; Wu Qi; Sun Xiaoli; Miao Han; Deng Weixing; Zhang Wansu; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. J-Aggregate squaraine nanoparticles with bright NIR-II fluorescence for imaging guided photothermal therapy, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54(95),13395-13398.

51. Sun Pengfei; Tian Sichao; Lin Mingchang; Chen Guosong*. The glyco-regioisomerism effect on dynamic interactions between glycopolymers with galactose pendants and benzoxaborole-containing polymer, Science China Chemistry, 2018, 61(1), 71-75.

52. Sun Pengfei; Yuan Pengcheng; Wang Gaina; Deng Weixing; Tian Sichao; Wang Chao; Lu Xiaomei; Huang Wei; Fan Quli*. High density glycopolymers functionalized perylene diimide nanoparticles for tumor-targeted photoacoustic imaging and enhanced photothermal therapy, Biomacromolecules, 2017, 18(10), 3375-3386.

53. Sun Pengfei; Wang Gaina; Hou Huanzhi; Yuan Pengcheng; Deng Weixing; Wang Chao; Lu Xiaomei; Fan Quli*; Huang Wei. A water-soluble phosphorescent conjugated polymer brush for tumor-targeted photodynamic therapy, Polymer Chemistry, 2017, 8(38),5836-5844.

54. Sun Pengfei; Lin Mingchang; Chen Guosong*; Jiang Ming.Modification of polyfluorene nanoparticles via inclusion complexation based on cyclodextrin for lectin sensing and cell imaging. Science China-Chemistry, 2016, 59(12), 1616-1620.

55. Sun Pengfei; Lin Mingchang; Zhao Yu; Chen Guosong*; Jiang Ming.Stereoisomerism effect on sugar–lectin binding of self-assembledglyco-nanoparticles of linear and brush copolymers.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces,2015, 133, 12-18.

56. Sun Pengfei; He Yu; Lin Mingchang; Zhao Yu; Ding Yu*; Chen Guosong*; Jiang Ming.Glyco-regioisomerism effect on lectin-binding and cell-uptakepathway of glycopolymer-containing nanoparticles.ACS Macro Letters, 2014, 3(1), 96-101.

57. Sun Pengfei; Lu Xiaomei; Fan Quli*; Zhang Zhiyong; Song Wenli; Li Bo; Huang Ling; Peng Jinwen; Huang Wei*. Water-soluble iridium(III)-containing conjugated polyelectrolyteswith weakened energy transfer properties for multicolor proteinsensing applications.Macromolecules,2011, 44(22), 8763-8770.

58. 王超; 孙鹏飞*; 范曲立*.树枝状高分子修饰的水溶性近红外二区荧光聚合物的合成及其在肿瘤相关抗原载运中的应用.高分子学报,2022, 53(2), 174-184.

59. 张华; 孙鹏飞*; 范曲立*;黄维.三元共聚法制备高亮度近红外二区荧光共轭聚合物纳米粒子及其二区光热治疗应用.高分子学报,2021, 52(10), 1343-1352.

60. 彭锦雯;杜肖龙;陈妍;孙鹏飞*;邓卫星*;范曲立.近红外二区荧光纳米探针的制备及其在生物成像中的应用.高分子学报,2020, 51(11), 1275-1284.

61. 黄婷;陈妍;孙鹏飞*; 范曲立*;黄维.基于共轭聚合物的纳米粒子用于肿瘤的近红外二区荧光成像及光热治疗.高分子学报,2020, 51(4), 346-354.  

62. 李晓珍;田思超;孙鹏飞*; 范曲立;黄维*.一种高强度准聚轮烷水凝胶的制备及性能研究.高分子学报,2017, 48(6), 952-957.

63. 吴锦钧;杨震;焦建梅;孙鹏飞*; 范曲立;黄维*.水溶性苝酰亚胺类材料的合成及其生物应用.化学进展,2017, 29(2), 216-230.

64. 孙鹏飞;邓卫星; 范曲立*;黄维*.环糊精包结络合作用诱导的水溶性聚芴纳米粒子的制备.高分子学报,2016, 47(3), 375-381.

65. 孙鹏飞;候焕知;范曲立*;黄维*.水溶性含糖共轭聚合物的制备及应用.化学进展,2016, 28(10), 1489-1500.


1. 孙鹏飞;邵静;陈尚钰;范曲立,一种长循环近红外二区荧光成像造影剂、制备方法及应用, 2024-05-10,中国, ZL202211450619.3.

2. 孙鹏飞;瞿凡;范曲立,一种苯硼酸修饰的水溶性近红外二区荧光造影剂及其应用, 2023-07-07,中国, ZL202210060480.5.

3. 孙鹏飞; 杜鑫龙;何坤;蒋欣悦;范曲立,一种多功能抗肿瘤高分子药物及其制备方法和用途, 2023-07-07,中国, ZL202210538970.1.

4. 孙鹏飞;张华;范曲立;陈尚钰,一种小尺寸近红外二区荧光成像造影剂及其制备方法和应用, 2022-11-29,中国, ZL202110063992.2.

5. 孙鹏飞;何坤;范曲立;陈尚钰,一种通过原子转移自由基聚合制备的近红外二区荧光成像造影剂及其应用, 2022-7-26,中国, ZL202110756722.X.

6. 孙鹏飞;孙博;范曲立,双噻吩噻二唑受体近红外二区荧光分子及其制备方法和应用, 2021-10-20,中国, ZL202011292724.X.

7. 孙鹏飞;黄婷;范曲立,一种近红外二区荧光成像聚合物及其制备方法和应用, 2021-09-28,中国, ZL201911049507.5.

8. 孙鹏飞;黄婷范曲立袁鹏程,一种近红外二区成像造影剂的制备方法和用途, 2021-09-03,中国, ZL201811254491.7.

9. 孙鹏飞;王改娜;范曲立,一种肿瘤靶向纳米药物及其制备方法和用途, 2021-06-04,中国, ZL201810324584.6.

10.孙鹏飞;王笑笑;范曲立,一种光控降解水凝胶的制备方法, 2021-02-09,中国, ZL201810340492.7.

11. 孙鹏飞;黄婷;范曲立;袁鹏程,一种近红外二区成像造影剂及其制备方法和用途, 2020-10-20,中国,  ZL201810324620.9.