联系方式 办公地点:南京市文苑路9号南京邮电大学仙林校区教五楼215 Email:iamszli@njupt.edu.cn 个人简历 2003年毕业于华中科技大学(原华中理工大学)热能与动力工程系; 2004年获得新加坡国立大学硕士学位; 2011年获得南洋理工大学博士学位; 2014年加盟南京邮电大学 现任南京邮电大学信息材料与纳米技术研究院/材料科学与工程学院教师。 研究方向 无机纳米材料,有机-无机纳米复合材料 |
围绕无机纳米材料的生长及其复合,应用展开了系统性研究工作。相关成果发表在Nature Chemistry, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano letters等著名学术期刊上。目前发表SCI 论文20余篇,被引用700余次。
1.Li, Shaozhou; Huo, Fengwei. Metal-organic framework composites: from fundamentals to applications. Nanoscale. 2015, 7, 7482.
2.Li, Shaozhou; Huo, Fengwei. Hybrid Crystals Comprising Metal-Organic Frameworks and Functional Particles: Synthesis and Applications. Small. 2014, 10, 4371.
3.Li, Shaozhou; Shi, Wenxiong; Lu, Guang et la. Unconventional Nucleation and Oriented Growth of ZIF-8 Crystals on Non-Polar Surface. Advanced Materials 2012,24, 5954.
4.Li, Shaozhou; Huang, Xiao; Liu, Qing et al. Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth of Endotaxial Semiconductor Nanowires. Nano Letters 2012, 12, 5565.
5.Lu, Guang; Li, Shaozhou; Guo, Zhen et al. Imparting functionality to a metal-organic framework material by controlled nanoparticle encapsulation. Nature Chemistry 2012, 4, 310.
6.Huang, Xiao; Li, Shaozhou; Huang, Yizhong et al. Synthesis of hexagonal close-packed gold nanostructures. Nature Communications 2011, 2, 292.
7.Li, Shaozhou; Huang, Xiao; Li, Hai et al. Surface-Induced Synthesis and Self-Assembly of Metal Suprastructures. Small 2010, 6, 2708.
8.Li, Shaozhou; Cai, Hui; Gan, Chee Lip et al. Controlled Synthesis of Copper-Silicide Nanostructures. Crystal Growth & Design 2010, 10, 2983.