![]() | 女,汉族,山东平度人。 |
联系方式 办公地点: 南京市文苑路9号 南京邮电大学仙林校区教五楼514 Email: iamwjxu@njupt.edu.cn 1998年9月至2002年7月,青岛科技大学高分子科学与工程学院,工学学士 2003年9月至2006年7月,青岛科技大学高分子科学与工程学院,理学硕士; 2007年9月至2011年7月,南京邮电大学信息材料与纳米技术研究院,工学博士; 2011年10月至2013年11月,南京邮电大学电子科学与工程博士后流动站从事博士后研究; 2013年11月至今,南京邮电大学信息材料与纳米技术研究院/材料科学与工程学院,教师 2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,项目批准号:2012M511788,项目名称:具有双光子吸收特性的磷光铱配合物的合成及其应用。 3. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划资助项目, 项目批准号:1102104C ,项目名称: 含有机硼磷光共轭聚合物/寡聚物光电信息材料的制备及应用研究。 4. 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目,项目批准号:CX08B_084Z,新型磷光共轭聚合物的合成及在传感中的应用。 2. WenJuan Xu, ShuJuan Liu, Xin Zhao, Ning Zhao, ZhiQiang Liu, Hang Xu, Hua Liang, Qiang Zhao, XiaoQiang Yu and Wei Huang,Synthesis, One- and Two-Photon Photophysical and Excited-State Properties, and Sensing Application of A Novel Phosphorescent Dinuclear Cationic Iridium(III) Complex, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2013, 19, 620-628. 3. Wenjuan Xu,Shujuan Liu,Xinyan Zhao,Shi Sun,Shan Cheng,Tingchun Ma,Huibin Sun,Qiang Zhao,Wei Huang,Cationic Iridium(III) Complex Containing both Triarylboron and Carbazole Moieties as a Ratiometric Fluoride Probe That Utilizes a Switchable Triplet–Singlet Emission,Chemistry–A European Journal, 2010, 16: 7125-7133.(荣获南京市第九届自然科学优秀学术论文奖优秀奖) 4. Wenjuan Xu, Shujuan Liu, Huibin Sun, Xinyan Zhao, Qiang Zhao, Shi Sun, Shan Cheng, Tingchun Ma, Lixia Zhou, Wei Huang, FRET-based probe for fluoride based on a phosphorescent iridium(III) complex containing triarylboron groups, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 7572-7581. This article has been identified as a ‘hot article’ for Journal of Materials Chemistry. 5. WenjuanXu, Shujuan Liu, Tingchun Ma, Qiang Zhao, Bolink, H. J, Wei Huang, p–n Metallophosphor based on cationic iridium(III) complex for solid-state light-emitting electrochemical cells, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 13999-14007. 6. Wenjuan Xu, Shujuan Liu, Qiang Zhao, Tingchun Ma, Shi Sun, Xinyan Zhao, Wei Huang, Near-infrared phosphorescent probe for fluoride based on cationic iridium(III) complex with triarylboron moieties, Science China Chemistry, 2011, 54: 1750-1758. 7. 许文娟、刘淑娟、黄维,配体中含有噻吩的铱配合物的构效研究,南京邮电大学学报,2008,28(4):1-6。(EI收录) 8. ShuJuan Liu, WenJuan Xu, TingChun Ma, Qiang Zhao, QuLi Fan, QiDan Ling, Wei Huang, Effects of Temperature and Solvent on the Energy Transfer and β-Phase Formation in the Iridium(III) Complex-Containing Polyfluorene in Solutions and as Suspended Nano-Particles, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2010, 31: 629–633. 9. 刘淑娟、许文娟、黄维,离子型红光铱配合物的合成、表征与光电性能,南京邮电大学学报,2008,28(1):41-47。(EI收录) 10. ShuJuan Liu, Yang Chen, WenJuan Xu, Qiang Zhao, Wei Huang, New Trends in the Optical and Electronic Applications of Polymers Containing Transition-Metal Complexes, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2012, 33: 461-480. 11. ShuJuan Liu, TingChun Ma, WenJuan Xu, XiangMei Liu, YanQin Huang, Qiang Zhao, Wei Huang, Optoelectronic Properties for Main Group Element-Bridged Ladder Compounds, Acta Phys.⁃Chim. Sin. 2012, 28 (11): 2597-2604. 12. ShuJuan Liu, ChengJiang Yang, WenJuan Xu, YanQin Huang, ShangHui Ye, Qiang Zhao, XiangMei Liu, Wei Huang, Effect of metal centres and substituents on the structure and optoelectronic properties of diarylethene compounds: A theoretical study, Science China Chemistry, 2012, 55(1): 1-11. 13. Huifang Shi, Shujuan Liu, Huibin Sun, Wenjuan Xu, Zhongfu An, Jian Chen, Shi Sun, Xiaomei Lu, Qiang Zhao, Wei Huang, Simple conjugated polymers with on-chain phosphorescent iridium(iii) complexes: toward ratiometric chemodosimeters for detecting trace amounts of mercury(ii), Chemistry–A European Journal, 2010, 16, 12158–12167。 14. ShuJuan Liu, Weili Qiao, Guoyi Cao, Yang Chen, Yun Ma, Yanqin Huang, Xiangmei Liu, Wenjuan Xu, Qiang Zhao, Wei Huang, Smart poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) containing iridium(III) complexes as water-soluble phosphorescent probe for sensing and bioimaging of homocysteine and cysteine, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2013, 34, 81-86. 15. Wenpen Lin, Huibin Sun, ShuJuan Liu, Huiran Yang, Shanghui Ye, Wenjuan Xu, Xiangmei Liu, Qiang Zhao, Wei Huang, Conjugated Polymer with On-Chain Pt(II) Complex for Resistive Random-Access Memory Device, Macromolecular Chemistry And Physics, 2012, 213: 2472-2478. 16. Yan Tang, Huiran Yang, Huibing Sun, Shujuan Liu, Jingxia Wang, Qiang Zhao, Xiangmei Liu, Wenjuan Xu, Shengbiao Li, Wei Huang, Rational Design of an “OFF–ON” Phosphorescent Chemodosimeter Based on an Iridium(III) Complex and Its Application for Time-Resolved Luminescent Detection and Bioimaging of Cysteine and Homocysteine, Chemistry-A European Journal, 2013, 19, 1311 – 1319 17. Shujuan Liu, Wenpen Lin, Mingdong Yi, Wenjuan Xu, Chao Tang, Qiang Zhao, Shanghui Ye, Xiangmei Liu, Wei Huang, Conjugated polymers with cationic iridium(III) complexes in the side-chain for flash memory devices utilizing switchable through-space charge transfer, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22, 22964–22970. 18. 刘淑娟、赵强、许文娟、黄维,基于有机硼化合物的氟离子化学探针的研究进展,化学进展, 2008, 20 (11):1708-1715。 19. 史慧芳、赵强、安众福、许文娟,刘淑娟,黄维,基于小分子的汞离子荧光探针的研究进展,化学进展,2010,22(09):1741-1752。 20. 成珊、刘淑娟、周丽霞、许文娟,赵强,黄维,基于重金属配合物的阳离子磷光化学传感器,化学进展,2011,23(4):679-686。 |